Tanker is a survival game where the player controls a lone tank that must defend against waves of different tanks as long as possible. This is my first game developed in C++ using the SFML graphics libraries. For me it is mainly meant to be an educational experience but hopefully it will become something that other survival game fans may enjoy.


  • Tile maps that are customizable from a text file
  • Randomised A* path generation for AI
  • Custom ray casting to detect line of sight for AI

Download + Installation Instructions

Requirements: Windows XP SP3 or better.

(1) Install the Visual C++ Redistributable package, downloaded from here.
(2) Download the game from the following link below:

Download Tanker BETA version 0.9.1

(3) Unzip the file to a directory of your choice
(4) Open the shortcut Tanker to start playing!